Saturday, August 13, 2011

My wife wants me to wean the baby. What do you think?

Well, I'm guessing your wife probably hasn't had a decent night's sleep in over 3 years..? I haven't seen your previous question but I am uming your one year old is still nursing through the night and this is the problem? It is extremely hard for your wife and, more importantly, would be upsetting to your child to have to try and settle her through the night without nursing him/her. My little girl was the same. We had Daddy go to her and settle her through the night. It is easier as she doesn't expect to be nursed. After a few nights the habit was broken and she sleeps through, mostly!! I still nurse her during the day so your wife doesn't have to go "cold turkey". This is painful and very upsetting for both mother and child. I think it is the fairest solution for you to help out. Your wife has done more than her share of the night shifts! Help her out, it is upsetting to not feed your child when they are crying for you, this won't be easy for her. Good luck.

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