Thursday, August 11, 2011

Do you have a joke this evening? Here is a pretty good joke.?

A man was walking on the beach when all of a sudden he tripped on a bottle. He picked up the bottle and opened it, and out came a genie. The Genie thanked him for letting him out of his prison. He said he would grant the man three wishes, and only three. the man thought for a while and he said " I wish I had a Ferari" Poof! A Firari apeared behind him. he thought for a while and then finally said "I wish i had a Big Multi-Billion dollar business!" Poof! he was in a nice business suit. He then said... " you know I have always wanted to go to Hawaii but with the airlines and everything... so can you build a highway to Hawaii?" The Genie then replied " Of course not! with the ocean being soo deep in places! the beams would never allow it! think again!" the man thought and thought.... he then said" I wish i could understand women!" the genie thought about this... he then said " two lanes or four?"

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