Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Anyone had this happen before? Were you pregnant?

ok, I have an 11mth old so I should know all of this but I need some advice. 7 days past ovulation I had spotting-which i had when I found out I was pregnant the first time.(implantation bleeding) So, i get excited and take a test 3 days before- the first response 4 days sooner and it comes out negative. Im thinking Im not pregnant. Now, 2 days before my period my husband and i had and I had spotting afterwards so I thought-Im getting my period! Ive been cramping all day and yesterday too. Wasn't my period. It was only a tiny bit right after . Everything is clear again. Normally having right before my period would bring it on. What do you guys think? I know I only have 2 days left but the anticipation is killing me!

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